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Beard Transplants

beard transplants The loss of facial hair was not as commonly recognised in the same way as male or female pattern hair loss. We have seen a rise in procedures such as beard transplants, sideburn hair restoration and moustache hair transplant surgery. Lots of people suffer from the loss of facial hair and with advances in hair transplantations facial hair transplants especially beard transplants are starting to become the norm. Facial hair loss is very evident and visible to see, so the condition can cause great stress and embarrassment.

Beard Transplants, sideburn hair restoration and moustache hair transplant surgery.

There can be a variety of possible causes of facial hair loss, it might be trauma after an accident or illness, scarring after surgery, effects of radiation, trichotillomania, an obsessive-compulsive disorder of hair pulling or like most head hair transplants the natural aging process. Transgender hair transplants can also be a reason to look at facial hair transplants. Whatever the cause or reasoning behind looking at a facial hair transplant our clinic in Glasgow have carried out many beard transplants, sideburn hair restoration and moustache hair transplant surgery.

beard transplantsOur clinical team are at the very forefront for facial hair restoration we can even restore eyebrows via a special facial hair transplant, creating a natural and beautiful result. We are highly experienced in all types of hair loss treatments and fully understand where it occurs on the face it is even more noticeable. We have consulted with male patients whose inability to grow and maintain facial hair affects their very masculinity and can weaken their self-esteem and they desire a more masculine look which is why we offer beard transplants, sideburn hair restoration and moustache hair transplant surgery. Our surgical techniques restore facial hair that will never fall out and will require shaving and trimming. We’ve helped hundreds of men enjoy their facial hair again.

Beard Transplants, sideburn hair restoration and moustache hair transplant surgery – is it suitable for me?

Like all our hair restoration procedures the first step is to book a FREE no obligation consultation with our hair loss trichologist, who will be able to determine if either a beard transplants, sideburn hair restoration and moustache hair transplant surgery is right for you, so call today and book a consultation.